Blocky Messiah is a circuitbent sampler using rough wavetable conversion. The chorus, vibrato, and tremolo (referenced from CT-BB01 basicbits) double as LFOs for other parameters.

Signal flow
Vibrato + Pitch Envelope → Sampler* → Chorus → Tremolo → Bitcrusher 2 → Lofi → Output
*Sampler = Sample Oscillator → Bitcrusher 1 → Quantizer → Fold Drive → Block Sampler → Wavetable Oscillator

A stereo sample player with ports are for LFO inputs.
Load: loads a sample, automatically setting any loop points embedded within. Be wary of size, especially with stereo samples.
Reset: resets the markers with the loop starting position at 50%.
Ping-Pong: enables ping-ponging between loop markers.
The joystick screen: with the bottom left corner as the minimum, X is block size, and Y is how much the block sample output modulates the phase of the wavetable. Only the latter is affected by the LFO port.
Fade: fade between loop points.
Crush: bitcrusher downsampling.
Quantize: bit quantization. Can get pretty loud when patched.
Fold: fold drive level.

Pitch: an ADR that goes to input pitch. The switch determines direction.
Amplitude: ADSR and velocity sensitivity for the output volume. "Crunch" is bit depth.

Low-Frequency Oscillators
Amount: level of each oscillator as an effect.
Rate: the speed of the Vibrato or Tremolo.
Delay: adds a delay after note input. Exclusive to Vibrato and Tremolo.
Wave: Vibrato/Tremolo waveform.
Detune: detunes the Chorus.
Invert: amount of Chorus inversion.
Ratio: a multiplier for input pitch that goes to the Chorus.
CV: level of each oscillator when it's patched.

Other stuff
Phony: portamento time and polyphonic/monophonic switching. Polyphony goes up to 6 keys.
Grunge + Bits: the level and downsampling of bitcrushing. The latter comes with an LFO port.
Lofi: speaker emulation.
Preset: preset load/save functions.
Out: master output volume.